Pixel Puppet

Shoot: Left Click

Movement: A + D

Switch Weapon: W + S

DISCLAIMER: This game was not intended for html release so be warned they be dragons ahead.

This was a game i worked on for about a year and a half. This was in-between work, game jams and little experiments. I always loved space invaders and wanted to make one for android that included new feature.

I didn't finish it to the level i wanted to, this was due to having new original ideas that i wanted to work on. I felt like i was doing what some developers already done (but better) e.g. Titan Attacks aka Puppy Games. So this convinced me to start working on the other ideas.

Learned lots from this project such as design patterns, pixel art and things like setting deadlines and try not to get distracted with the less important things.

This was also added to the android market but was removed late because i didn't accept the new terms & conditions.

  • Category: Shoot 'em up, Fixed Shooter